The MLS* Teen Anime Club (aka MTAC) is an after-school teen social program devoted to otaku culture (manga, anime, and video games). The club meets every other Friday afternoon and take part in activities such as Otaku Pictionary, Video Game Jams, Otaku Cranium, Anime Screenings, Manga Drawing Jams, Otaku-related crafts, and more!
*Mississauga Library System
*Mississauga Library System
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Behold! The new M-TAC logo!
Here is the new club logo for M-TAC! The concept was designed by M-TAC club member Angelie D. The design was then vectorized/colorized through Adobe Illustrator by me. Pins will be made of this design so they can be worn by M-TAC club members at conventions like Anime North.
Friday, April 17, 2009
May Club meeting
Hey fellow M-TAC members,
We're gonna have two meetings in the month of May.
Friday May 1st, 3:30-5pm Central Library, 2nd Floor, Room CL2
Friday May 29th, 3:30-5pm Central Library, Childrens Department, Story Room
In our May 1st meeting, it'll be a creative session for members to prep-up their cosplay costumes and coordinate with other members for Anime North. For the artists who like to draw fan-art/doujinshi, bring in your drawing supplies to take part in a Manga jam session (it's where artists draw a panel then pass it on to the next person to continue the story). Be there at 3:30pm!
Angelie D. designed the winning logo for our club! I will prepare pins of the design and have them ready for members at our next meeting. Angelie, remember to collect your prize!
-Jason Loo
M-TAC club leader
We're gonna have two meetings in the month of May.
Friday May 1st, 3:30-5pm Central Library, 2nd Floor, Room CL2
Friday May 29th, 3:30-5pm Central Library, Childrens Department, Story Room
In our May 1st meeting, it'll be a creative session for members to prep-up their cosplay costumes and coordinate with other members for Anime North. For the artists who like to draw fan-art/doujinshi, bring in your drawing supplies to take part in a Manga jam session (it's where artists draw a panel then pass it on to the next person to continue the story). Be there at 3:30pm!
Angelie D. designed the winning logo for our club! I will prepare pins of the design and have them ready for members at our next meeting. Angelie, remember to collect your prize!
-Jason Loo
M-TAC club leader
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