The MLS* Teen Anime Club (aka MTAC) is an after-school teen social program devoted to otaku culture (manga, anime, and video games). The club meets every other Friday afternoon and take part in activities such as Otaku Pictionary, Video Game Jams, Otaku Cranium, Anime Screenings, Manga Drawing Jams, Otaku-related crafts, and more!

*Mississauga Library System

Monday, March 22, 2010

MTAC Anime Screening: Tsubasa - April 9th

MLS Teen Anime Club presents
An Anime Screening courtesy of

Mississauga Central Library, Noel Ryan Auditorium

Friday, April 9th 2010
4 p.m. - 6p.m.

Free Admission!
Tsubasa is a PG rated film.

What's it about? "Her Soul. His Sacrifice."

The fates shine upon young archeologist Syaoran and his life-long love, the princess Sakura. As the moon hovers silently above the kingdom a beautiful and otherworldly sound fills the air, drawing the princess to the ancient ruins. Her latent powers stir, awakening an ability to cross dimensions. But the process is interrupted as unseen forces conspire to claim this magic as their own. Sakura’s soul is sent adrift across the universe, each memory a feather dancing through the stars. Syaoran will make heroic sacrifices to track down the remnants of her soul… With fellow travelers Kurogane and Fai, a warrior and a wizard, an epic quest begins.

Monday, March 1, 2010