Shohei Manabe's The Smuggler is one of the most darkest and violent mangas I have ever read. This stand alone volume carries the spirit of such films by Tarantino (specifically Reservoir Dogs) and Beat Takeshi. What got me attracted to the book was the sketchiness in Manabe's inkwork, which was very unconventional compared to other Mangas. The stressing ink lines gives the story a rough and gritty tone throughout the entire book.
A side from the techical art aspects of the book, the story is plain morbid. Kinuta is an aspiring actor with large debt problems. In order to pay his dues to loan sharks, he must work as a courier for the mob, transporting dead bodies of victims from gang hits. Things get messy when Kinuta and his transport crew cross paths with a rival gang and two invincible Chinese assassins. This book is rated OT for Older Teens, but good luck finding this book because it is out of print.
Rating: 3.8 out of 5