The MLS* Teen Anime Club (aka MTAC) is an after-school teen social program devoted to otaku culture (manga, anime, and video games). The club meets every other Friday afternoon and take part in activities such as Otaku Pictionary, Video Game Jams, Otaku Cranium, Anime Screenings, Manga Drawing Jams, Otaku-related crafts, and more!

*Mississauga Library System

Thursday, July 21, 2011

CosPlay Picnic @ Celebration Square!

Hey MTACkers!

The first annual CosPlay Picnic @ Celebration Square is about two weeks away (FRIDAY August 5th)! So bring your baskets, picnic blankets and sunscreen for cosplay fun in the sun on the lawn of the new Celebration Square (outside the Mississauga Central Library)!
There will also be a dance party (ie. Caramelldansen) at the Amphitheatre located at the upper half of the Celebration Square.
The fountain will be operating as an ideal backdrop for photos, or if you like to get wet.

Since this is our first annual CosPlay Picnic at the new Celebration Square, let's make this one crazy-exciting event so we can run many more in the future! I hope all you 'Maybes' decide to come!

Just a couple RULES for the event:
-The Celebration Square is a public area, so please dress and act appropriately!
-No litterbugs!

Picnic starts at 1:00PM and ends at 4:00PM, but cosplayers can stay longer as they feel.

In case it happens to rain that day, the Central Library will be hosting Video Game Dayz in the Noel Ryan Auditorium from 2-4PM. Come in costume and play DDR or some Wii-action on the big screen. Unfortunately, no food or drinks allowed inside the auditorium.

See you guys on August 5th!

Jason Loo
MLS* Teen Anime Club co-ordinator
*Mississauga Library System

RSVP here!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Manga Jams - June 2011







Manga Jams were drawn by Rickaye C, Olivia D, Celina C, Terrell B, Carla F, Niki L, and Jason Loo.