The MLS* Teen Anime Club (aka MTAC) is an after-school teen social program devoted to otaku culture (manga, anime, and video games). The club meets every other Friday afternoon and take part in activities such as Otaku Pictionary, Video Game Jams, Otaku Cranium, Anime Screenings, Manga Drawing Jams, Otaku-related crafts, and more!

*Mississauga Library System

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Air Gear Summary : Minami "Ikki" Itsuki, is a student and a delinquent. Also known as the "Unbeatable Babyface", Ikki is the leader of the youth gang by the name of "East Side Gunz". Upon his return home after being humiliated by a street gang of Storm Riders called the Skull Saders Ikki discovers a secret hidden from him by his benefactors, the Noyamano sisters. The sisters belong to a group of Storm Riders who go by the team name of Sleeping Forest. Keen on helping Ikki to regain his confidence and pride, they supply him with a pair of Air Trecks (abbreviated as "AT"). Ikki eventually settles his grudge with the Skull Saders, but in the process he receives more than the simple satisfaction of revenge. Determined to experience the sensation of flight for as long as he can, our headstrong protagonist is quickly sucked into the mysterious, yet irresistible world of Air Treck.

Review : This is personally my favorite manga to read because it not only ties in major events from the real world, but also creates a distinct world that explores the idea of freedom and the personal battles each character brings to the plate, as expressed through their use of Air treck. It explores the struggle for freedom as people have lost their way on their path to their own salvation and have settled in a delusion or false sense of freedom with misplaced intentions. It is very comical when the gang spends their days off and very intense when the fights occur. It greatly advertises rollerblading and has an anime made off of it for your viewing pleasure. The story is very well-paced and a new chapter comes out eachweek.

Review by Reuben G.

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